Self independence and freedom…
What comes to our mind, just when we hear or read these buzz words !!!
The broad definition and what we generally interpret from such lines. but the fact is that we all try to implement same stuff in to our lives not giving a thought to any of the two words, just follow them blindly.
And say that people are blind, blindness is not just able to see, its also when you are not able to assess any thing and follow with no idea where it is leaving too.
What all of us think, is what I think wrong. And we take these words as grated to cover and hide what we don’t want to world to see. We should go in to the deeper meaning of the terms and then try to implement and use them.
What freedom is? I think freedom is the right to do anything right. But many of us take it in the direction to do anything and no matter how. That may create problem to others, but we enjoy that saying that this is our freedom. In case of families, we generally take freedom in wrong sense and go on bullshitting about anything, but the truth is no body is happy with what we do on the name of freedom. Freedom is doing anything freely and not freely doing anything. I wish we could understand this thin line, sometime..
What self independence is? Again it is the same issue as of freedom. Self independence doesn’t mean living on your own and just leaving every thing behind. Self independence means not putting burden on any person, and not becoming so much self sufficient that need of other people is lost and we become so lost in our own.
I meanna say that all these so called buzz words are so hip hop in today’s world but only a few or not even that percentage of people understand the real thing in it, thus suffers from the dilemma of what they are doing.
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